Thank you for your work on the game but maybe you should take another step back and see the game from others prospective. So yeah, most souls go to their patron deity (which is either clearly defined, like for a priest, or the one they venerated most in life). Forgotten Souls changes the normal structure of Descent by emulating a mini campaign in a completely cooperative atmosphere.

Enough said … and of course just my humble opinion.
#Using forgotten souls full#
And players saying otherwise are not working a full time job. plain and simple the drop rate on Forgotten Souls is way to low. between that and the trolls telling people to set it to Torment 1 and kill all the bosses in Rifts when you don’t even get 1 ancient by doing that to get forgotten souls. I brows the leader boards and look at the gear and defiantly something is out of kilter and I honestly think you know what I am saying. Not a ton but at least make it reasonable. you might want to gear the game a little more toward the people working jobs that pay for these games. by a crapton i mean like 2 1/2 weeks to get 5000 and at 50 a pop to try and get a primal or a ancient so you can really start to have fun with the game since you have to have ancient gear to even enhance it with gems. Forgotten Souls 50 a pop to use and literally a crapton of time spent to get enough to make a difference. Wow guys you never cease to disappoint and I have been playing your game from the beginning.